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The church began as a parochial chapel belonging to what used to be the more important village of Coombe Keynes. During the 13th century the church was rebuilt.

In 1384 it was decreed that "Wool Chapel" should be dedicated "for the third time", and since then, with its Mother Church at Coombe Keynes (made redundant 14th January 1974), it has been dedicated to Holy Rood.

It was not until 1844 however that Wool became a separate parish.

(Coombe Keynes is a small village with a population of under 100 accessed by a lane, not far from Wool, on the left as you take the road from Wool to Lulworth. The original but sadly redundant Holy Rood church is still there and is now a village community building. Coombe Keynes is thought to have been badly affected by the Great Plague of 1348; Wool however has since become more and more populated.)


Holy Rood Floor Plan

According to Hutchins in his History of Dorset, the church on this site consisted originally of only a nave. The chancel and tower were added later, about 1450.

From then until 1865, the church consisted of the original nave, a small chancel, tower and a north arcade. 

In 1865 a faculty was issued to pull down the body of the church and chancel  with the exception of the tower and north and east walls of the nave and to build a south aisle.  The church was lengthened by 12 feet. 

Building Soc Plaque

The result was the church as we see it now.  The extension included the ancient burial place of the Turbervilles of Wool Bridge.  The architect was John Hicks of Dorchester.

[Above text largely based on the Holy Rood Guide written by the late Mr Alan Brown (2003) and used by permission.

Alan was also the author of three excellent books on local history: "A Backward Glimpse of Wool", "The Changing Face of Wool", and "More Memories of Wool".
Sadly Alan died in 2020, but all three books are available from  "Willowmead", East Burton Road, Wool, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 6HG  where his family still may be contacted.


Holy Rood Interior looking east



The nave and chancel are mostly built using local Heathstone with scattered blocks of Purbeck Limestone. Limestone is also used for quoins (corner stones) and dressings, while the porch and most of the windows are made from Bath Stone. The 15th-century tower is wholly built from Purbeck Limestone, mostly a broken-shell limestone known as "Burr".

A detailed survey of the Holy Rood stonework was undertaken by Dorset Geology History expert Jo Thomas in 2018, the results of which can be found on the Dorset Building Stone website here: https://dorsetbuildingstone.weebly.com/wool.html

It describes the different places the stone has come from at different times in the building's history, and has many interesting pictures.


Bindon Chapel

Holy Rood Interior - Bindon ChapelThe small chapel in the north east corner is the Bindon Chapel which was once larger than at present, as part of it was taken in when the vestry was enlarged.



The picture above shows an interesting painting before its repair and restoration.

Murillo-style painting

For some time the above painting of Mary belonging to Holy Rood Church was in storage as its condition was deteriorating. It was given to the Church by the Revd Eric Tarrant who was Vicar of Wool from 1929-40. The painting probably dates from the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century, but draws its inspiration from the work of the seventeenth century Spanish artist Murillo. Towards the end of 2007, the Parochial Church Council decided to have it restored by a professional conservator. The work included strip-lining and re-stretching the canvas, cleaning the surface and repairing some minor damage. It has also been re-framed in line with the conservator’s recommendations and re-hung in the Bindon Chapel.



    The painting in 2008




North Porch

Holy Rood wool - North Porch

The North Porch, although rebuilt in 1866, retains much of its 15th century appearance.

Holy Rood wool - North Porch 2

Triple Arch

Holy Rood Wool - Triple Arch

The special feature of the church is the triple chancel arch, which is possibly unique.  The tympanum* is plain and the whole screen dates from the middle of the 14th century.


*Tympanum: a vertical recessed triangular space forming the centre of a pediment, typically decorated.

(In other words, it's the white area with the cross.)



Holy Rood Wool - North Windows 1

The windows are mainly 15th century and were re-used in the 1866 rebuilding.


Coombe windows

Holy Rood Wool - North Windows 2

The stained glass windows on the north side were removed from Coombe Keynes church at the time of its redundancy.



Holy Rood Wool - FontThe font and the two stone arches on the north side are 15th century.


Coombe Stoup

Holy Rood Wool - StoupThe water stoup exhibited on the window sill in the north aisle was once fitted into the wall of Coombe Keynes Church and removed in 1974.



Holy Rood Wool - CressetThe cresset stone (also on the north window sill) containing four receptacles in which wicks floating in oil were burnt before a shrine, is a fine example of mediaeval work, and was discovered during the rebuilding in 1866.



Holy Rood Wool - Flute
The flute was stolen some years ago from the church by someone who must have thought it was valuable. It wasn't, but it was interesting because it linked us to the times when it was one of the instruments belonging to the church band, before the organ was introduced.

The band would probably have played in the west gallery, which in the 3rd edition of Hutchins' History Of Dorset was referred to as follows: "In 1852 the interior arrangement of the church was improved by the removal of the singing gallery to its present position behind the tower arch. It formerly extended much further into the church and was a great source of disfigurement"

West Gallery bands and choirs ("Quires") were a common feature of village church musical life in those days. Nowadays we may not have the gallery, but still welcome the performances from the group "Purbeck Village Quire" who generously offer their time and skills to let us sample some of the old music, readings, costumes and atmosphere still surviving from former days.

George III Plaque

A Coat of Arms of George III hangs on the rear wall in the body of the church and dates from prior to 1801.


The plaque after restoration, 2020


After King Henry VIII had placed himself as head of the new Church of England, it became a legal requirement to display the Royal Arms inside parish churches throughout the land. The Royal Arms were usually painted on a rectangular piece of wood or cloth and hung in a prominent place for all the congregation to see. (The King presumably was keen to emphasise that he was now the head of the new Church of England, and not the Pope.)

Parish records indicate that the Holy Rood plaque was commissioned in around 1793 by John Brown, who was Churchwarden from about 1790 to 1798. It’s possible that he commissioned the work from a local painter of pub signs, which was common practice at the time. John Brown was also chairman of the Poorhouse Committee, but he was evidently relieved of his post since he never attended a meeting!

George III reigned from 1760 to 1820. In 1800, the King abandoned his ancestors’ claim to the French throne. We can be certain that our plaque was painted before 1801 because in that year, the French insignia (the fleurs-de-lys on a blue background) was dropped from the top right corner of the royal shield to be replaced by the arms of Scotland (a red lion on a yellow background).

Our Coat of Arms was magnificently brought back to life in 2019 by art restorer Tim Everett of Taunton, following a very generous gift from Holy Rood’s retiring Churchwarden, Commodore Geoffrey Edwardes R.N. O.B.E.

This enabled the fully restored plaque to be rehung in August 2019.

(Geoff, a retired Royal Naval officer who served as Churchwarden for eight years, worked long and hard to overcome numerous obstacles and get the necessary permissions, liaising closely with the conservators throughout the process.)

Shepherd's Crook

Holy Rood Wool - Crook

The shepherd's crook displayed in the north window sill was used by Walter 'Shep' Trevett, a local shepherd, who for many years before the days of electricity pumped the organ for services until the 1930s.


Holy Rood Wool - lectern
The brass eagle lectern was given as a memorial to Mr Plumber the organist in the early part of the 20th century.


Holy Rood Wool - Crucifix

The crucifix above the chancel arch was given by the late Mr S. J. Tong. It was carved by Mr Edward Tong in memory of two sons, Herbert, who died of wounds in 1917, and Arthur who died some years later from wounds received in 1918.

Holy Rood Wool - Pulpit

The pulpit was removed from St. Mary the Virgin, East Stoke, on its redundancy and replaced a stone pulpit which once stood on the opposite side of the aisle.



Holy Rood Wool - Reredos


The reredos at the rear of the altar was made in 1925.


Mediaeval Altar Frontal

The church possesses an ancient altar frontal, which is in the custody of the Dorchester Museum.  It was made up from portions of  15th and 16th century vestments in eight vertical strips.  The vestments are thought to have come from Bindon Abbey after the Reformation.
It is of great interest and is described separately at the bottom of this page.



The church possesses an Elizabethan chalice with a cover originally used as a paten, bearing the date 1571.

There is also an earlier silver chalice ("The Coombe Keynes Chalice") of national and possibly international importance, belonging to the church and also in the custody of Dorchester Museum.  Originally from Coombe Keynes it is said to be one of the finest examples of an English pre-reformation silver chalice in existence.)

Coombe Keynes Chalice

You may be aware that the original 'Coombe Keynes Chalice' which was made in about 1500 (pre Reformation) and in all probability the chalice from Bindon Abbey, hidden in Coombe Keynes at the time the Abbey was dissolved, has been returned to Dorset.

The chalice was loaned to the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1930 and a replica was provided to our parish at that time. The replica is of course used at all our communion services and will continue to be so used. The chalice remains the property of our church and is on loan to the Dorset Museum.

Coombe Keynes Church

Our parish of Wool and East Stoke includes the small village of Coombe Keynes, which originally featured the Church of the Holy Rood, the main church of the area. The Church of the Holy Rood in Wool started life as a daughter chapel of the main church at Coombe Keynes. However, some say due to plague, the thriving agricultural village of Coombe Keynes became a small hamlet and the small village of Wool survived and grew, especially after the railway station was built and the Army Camp at Bovington was developed. Coombe Keynes church eventually fell into disrepair, was deconsecrated, and was bought by the Coombe Keynes villagers in 1975. They now use the building as their community centre.

Coombe Keynes Chalice

The Coombe Keynes Chalice, which belongs to the PCC of Wool and East Stoke, is an object of huge national importance. Currently it is on loan to the Dorchester County Museum, who have told us it is on public display.

In Holy Rood Church, Wool, we use in our Communion Services a replica of this precious 15th century chalice. The replica (in silver plate) was made in modern times.

The following information is adapted from the description on the Victoria and Albert Museum website:

Dated around A.D. 1500 by an unknown artist, the chalice is made of silver; with parcel-gilt1. It was used during the Mass to serve the consecrated wine. The form and ornament of chalices usually reflects current artistic styles and religious practice. This one shows some of the decorative motifs that were common before the Reformation. Its form, with a pierced knop (the bulbous swelling on the stem) and hexagonal foot with embellished angles, is typical of chalices made in England during the late 15th century. The foot is engraved with a crucifix amid decorative foliage.

Ref: http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O104962/the-coombe-keynes-chalice-chalice-unknown/

1 ‘Parcel-gilt’ - that is to say, it is partially gold-plated


The original Coombe Keynes Chalice

Image copyright (c) The Victoria and Albert Museum


Extract from "The Heart of Wessex" by Sidney Heath (written in 1910)

“Coombe Keynes is situated a mile or so to the south of Wool, its chief claim to notice being the singularly beautiful pre-Reformation chalice preserved within the church, a building that was extensively restored in 1860. The chalice is one of three pieces of pre-Reformation church plate that now remain in the county, although out of some three hundred parishes over one hundred have retained their Elizabethan chalices, while seventy possess Communion plate of the seventeenth century.

The Coombe Keynes chalice is in excellent condition, and is surpassed in beauty only by the very similar but slightly earlier example at Wylye, in Wiltshire. Its height is 63/8 inches; diameter of bowl, 4 inches; depth, 2 inches; narrowest part of base, 33/8 inches; widest part, 5¼ inches. The bowl is broad and conical; the slender stem hexagonal and quite plain, with ogee moulded bands at the junctions. The knob is full sized, having six lobes spirally twisted with traceried openings, terminating in angels' heads, crowned. The date is about 1500, if not somewhat earlier. The two other examples of pre-Reformation plate in Dorset are a paten at Buckhorn Weston, and a chalice at Sturminster Marshall.”  [Ref: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/46839/46839-h/46839-h.htm ]



An ancient rhyme regarding the twelve bells from Bindon Abbey at the time of the Dissolution of the Monasteries reads: “Wool streams and Coombe wells, Fordington cuckolds stole Wool bells.” The bells were believed to have been hidden in a lane near the church and removed by men from Fordington St George. The lane was later called Bell Drong.  (Drong is  a West Country word for a narrow lane.)  Eventually, Fordington, Wool, and Coombe Keynes shared the bells.

Holy Rood Wool - Bells (old photo)

A large photograph of the six bells (reproduced above) hangs in the ringing chamber. It is inscribed:

“In commemoration of the re-hanging of Wool Bells, with the addition of two new ones in 1907, and in memory of the Rev. A.C.B. Dobie, M.A. who whilst Vicar of Wool from 1896 to 1912 was mainly responsible for this work.  He loved his church and served it faithfully. Given by his son.”

There are six bells still used regularly.  There were only four originally, with another two added in 1907.

The bells' details are:


Note E

 2cwt 2qtrs 8lbs



Note D  

 3cwt 2qtrs



Note C




Note B

 6cwt 2qtrs



Note A 

 8cwt 2qtrs



Note G

 11cwt 0qtrs 24lbs



Holy Rood Wool - bell

3rd bell
4 cwt

Inscriptions and makers:
1. "In loving memory of my dear mother and my dear grandmother Caroline Esther Hedgecock. 1906. Florence Dobie. John Dobie 1907."
Gillett & Johnson, Croydon
2. "Love God" 1606
John Wallis, Salisbury
3. "John Hayte CW. Anno 1738. WKBF" (pictured above)
"WKBF" is probably William Knight, Master Bell-Founder in Closworth Bell Foundry from 1709-47.
4. "Serve God. W. 1606"
John Wallis, Salisbury
5. "C. W. T. B. Anno Domini 1659".
Possibly by Thomas Purdue, Master Bell-Founder in Closworth Bell Foundry from 1647-1691.
6. "These bells rehung, tenor and treble added, 1907. Arthur C.B. Dobie, Vicar. Jas. Spicer and Walter Wright, churchwardens."
Gillett & Johnson, Croydon

The registers of Wool and Coombe Keynes dated from 1583 are now in the County Archives at Dorchester.

Former vicars
The previous vicars of Wool and East Stoke are listed at the back of the church.




War Memorial
Holy Rood Wool - War Mem

The War Memorial in the churchyard is a plain Latin cross and was erected in 1921.


Although the church now stands on the edge of the village, it was not always so. Church Lane was once a busy road. A hundred yards past the church the road reached a junction: one road to East Stoke, another through Wood Street and into Purbeck, and yet another to Coombe Keynes, running parallel some quarter of a mile east of the present road.

Holy Rood Wool - Church Lane view


Hutchins 3rd edition also referred to the position of the church: " - it is conveniently situated on gently rising ground in the Southern part of the village. There is a tradition among the people, that some time ago it formed the central point of the village; and within the memory of the present generation, changes have taken place which have made it less so than formerly, some houses near the church having been pulled down, and others built at a greater distance, in common, Bindon Lane etc."


Text based on the current Holy Rood Guide written by Alan Brown (2003) and used by permission. Alan was also the author of two excellent books on local history "A Backward Glimpse of Wool" and "The Changing Face of Wool". Sadly Alan died in 2020, but until then all three books were available direct from him at "Willowmead", Bindon Lane, Wool, Wareham, Dorset BH20 6HG where his family still may be contacted.

(Above photos are mostly by Chris Irwin.)


The Wool Mediaeval Altar Frontal

The Wool Mediaeval Altar Frontal, like the Coombe Keynes Chalice, is part of Britain’s, and our church and parish's, history.

Our Altar Frontal was committed to the care of Dorset County Museum in 1886. It is is too fragile to be left on public display but Dorset County Museum has published the following information which fortunately now includes several photographs of the frontal, images that were previously not available.

This is adapted for our website but for the original article copyright to Dorset County Musem, see:


There is a glossary at the bottom of this page, which may help with the words in blue italics, that are possibly unfamiliar.


The Altar Frontal from Wool Church



Description from 1933

From the ‘Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society’ Volume 55 1934, an article written by the G. DRU DRURY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.S.A entitled ‘The Altar Frontal From Wool Church.’ (Read the 21st day of November, 1933.) (Our headings and italics/bold do not form part of the original)


This interesting altar frontal is made up from portions of mediaeval vestments, which local tradition would have us believe came from the neighbouring Cistercian Abbey of Bindon.

In the year 1886 the Vicar and Churchwardens of the Church of the Holy Rood, Wool, placed it with the Dorset County Museum, and being extremely fragile, it was carefully repaired by Mrs. Stillwell the following year.

The descriptive references by Hutchins and his continuators are scanty and inaccurate; and the fact that, during the 47 years our museum has sheltered this fine example of mediaeval embroidery, no adequate description has been attempted can only be regarded as a reproach, with the object of removing which this paper has been written. Several doubtful points were cleared-up by a visit to the Department of Textiles at the Victoria and Albert Museum, with a photograph of the frontal; and I take this opportunity of recording gratefully my indebtedness to Mr. C. E. C. Tattersall for his kindness and courtesy on that occasion.

The most gratifying fact established was that the embroidery is undoubtedly English, though the velvet was probably all imported from Italy. Most of the work dates from the end of the 15th century; and some of it may even be 16th century, the figures on the second and fourth strips being just about as late as any pre-reformation type. The frontal is composed of eight approximately equal vertical strips joined together to fit an altar 4ft. 6ins. in length by 3ft. high. These strips differ both in design and material, four being of velvet and four of linen, but in the latter case, not all of the same texture.

First strip

The first strip (from the left-hand side) is of blue velvet, the pile of which has nearly all worn off. It is embroidered with coloured silks and gold thread in a design of “fish flowers” and sprays. The name” fish flower” is derived from the fancied resemblance of the central portion to the inverted body and tail of a fish. The rich blue of the velvet still survives in the centres of the two flowers and where it has been protected by the sprays here and there. It is not difficult to imagine this as part of a sumptuously decorated chasuble; in fact there is in the Victoria and Albert Museum a red chasuble of late 15th century date which is embroidered with practically the same design.

Third, fifth and seventh strips

The third, fifth and seventh strips are all from one piece of velvet—probably from a cope—once a rich purple but now faded to a brown colour. The design of “pine flowers” and sprays is finely embroidered in coloured silks, the heads of the flowers being of white linen appliqué and worked over. Comparison with a cope of purple velvet in the Victoria and Albert Museum which, though still definitely purple, – has faded in places to a colour nearly resembling these strips, confirms this opinion as to their original colour, in spite of the fact that Hutchins mentions brown velvet. Furthermore Mr. Tattersall reminded me that though red, blue, green or purple vestments are frequently mentioned in the inventories of church goods of 1552, brown is unknown.

Second and fourth strips

The second and fourth strips are parts of orphreys made of rather coarse linen embroidered with silks in the designs of figures standing on the ground, beneath architectural canopies, the style of which dates them as late 15th or early 16th century work. Some of the orphreys of English work of this period in the Victoria and Albert Museum exhibit canopies similar to these in general form, in the character of the vaulting beneath the canopy arches, and in the round-headed recesses of the shafts. It will be noticed that the figures on these two strips face inwards towards each other, doubtless because they formed parts of orphreys from the front of a cope, but not all the panels are complete as to their tops and bases. It is not easy to determine whether these bearded figures represent prophets, apostles or saints, much less to assign them names. None of them have ecclesiastical vestments and with one exception they wear a nondescript kind of “traditional” costume, of forgotten origin after generations of copying; possibly in like manner the very identity of the persons represented may have meant little to the worker who carried on the tradition.

The top figure of the second strip carries a spear and wears a large flat-topped hat, his hair and beard are white. The middle figure, who carries a long-handled axe, also has white hair and beard, but appears to have a halo rather than a hat; the upper part of his canopy has been cut off, consequently it is not certain that his position in relation to the figure above is the original arrangement. The lowest figure with brown beard and small pointed hat might (as has been supposed – Hutchins’s History of Dorset, 3rd Edition, Vol. 1, p. 361.) represent Moses holding the tables of the law in his left hand and a rod in his right.

On the fourth strip the top figure with a long brown beard is dressed as a merchant with a belt and gypcière, his turban hat has a long liripipe which depends below the level of his right knee. The second figure with white hair and beard has a halo and grips a long knife and may perhaps represent St. Bartholomew. The lowest figure has brown hair and beard with ruddy cheeks, he wears a tall pointed “Steeple” hat with a broad turn-up and carries a scroll in his left hand.

Sixth and eighth strips

The sixth strip is also part of an orphrey, perhaps the central strip of a chasuble. It has been rubbed very bare of its silk embroidery, exposing the linen surface which is of very coarse texture. Two female saints in veil and wimple are worked upon it; the upper figure bears a church in her hands, the symbol of a foundress; the lower one holds a cross in both hands and might perhaps represent St. Helen. Their canopies are of an earlier type than those just mentioned.

The eighth strip is again part of an orphrey and is worked on linen of fine texture. The design consists of two male saints, each adorned with a blue halo, standing beneath canopies. The lower figure holds a chalice in his left hand but the object held by the upper figure is not now recognisable though it appears to terminate above in a small round knob. The canopy is only complete in the case of the lower figure, and though this resembles in some respects those on the sixth strip, it is not the same, the pediment has a more stately pitch and the diaper work is better, and a date may be assigned to this earlier in the 15th century than any of the others.

It would seem, therefore, fairly obvious that the sixth and eighth strips belonged to different vestments, and it is a not incredible supposition that the sixth strip, in so far as its canopy work is concerned, may have been a rather poor copy of the eighth strip.

Two other vestments

But there are parts of yet two more vestments incorporated in the frontal. On either side of the second strip a thin edging has been added consisting of green and gold “cut velvet” while between the third and fourth strips there is a similar edging of crimson and gold “cut velvet”. Both of these are Italian and of 15th century date. The fragments, preserved between glass in the small frame, came from the back of the Altar Frontal at the time it was repaired by Mrs. Stillwell. With the Council’s permission I submitted them to Mr. Tattersall for his opinion, and have since labelled them in accordance with it.

Nos. 1 and 2 are pieces of 15th century Italian velvet, doubtless from a cope. The crimson pile, which is woven on at least two warps, is cut to show a design in gold. A fine example of such a cope is to be seen in the Victoria and Albert Museum. Nos. 3 and 4 are pieces of the green and crimson edging dividing the strips, described above. The green velvet is much rarer than the crimson. It was noticed that several of the vestments in the Victoria and Albert Museum had an edging of this material round the bottom. Nos. 5, 6 and 7 are pieces of handwoven linen of various texture and colour, used as linings for the frontal. To summarise briefly, it is definitely established that there are incorporated in the frontal, parts of at least three vestments, probably a chasuble and two copes, and parts of three different sets of orphreys; but whether the orphreys belonged to these particular vestments or were taken from others it is impossible to say.

The tradition of a connection with Bindon Abbey

Now in regard to the traditional connection with Bindon Abbey, what is the evidence? It must be acknowledged at once that there is no real evidence and, after all, it is hardly likely that there should be; nevertheless where a strong local tradition exists in matters such as these it is unwise to ignore it.

The compilers of the 3rd Edition of Hutchins’s History of Dorset state that “it was probably brought from Bindon Abbey”. Hutchins himself, in the 1st Edition, states rather more explicitly “it is most probable it belonged to Bindon Chapel and was preserved when that and the house were burnt in the Civil Wars.” The house and chapel here referred to were built by Lord Thomas Howard (created 1st Viscount Bindon in 1559) who “raised a fair house” out of the monastery ruins. The actual position of this house and its domestic chapel cannot now be determined with any certainty, but it seems probable that it covered very much the same area as the present house within the Abbey precincts. It was burnt down during the Civil Wars about the year 1644. A return of Church utensils in 1550 belonging to this Bindon Chapel is quoted by Hutchins, (Hutchins’s History of Dorset, 3rd Edition, Vol. 1, p. 352.) which includes a pair of vestments and an altar cloth. Perhaps this may have been the source of his idea. In the Inventory of Church goods of 1552 (Proceedings, Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, Vol. XXV., pp. 210 &211.) the ” Chapell of Byndon ” possessed “one payre of vestments of rede & gryne saye” and “one alter clothe” In the same Inventory “The parische of Woolle” had ” iiij payre of vestmentes with branchis of silke. ij copis with branches ” ” iiij aulter clothes ” : of which ” one cope and all the table clothes ” were allowed for the church use.

On the face of it the supposition of the late Rev. W. Miles Barnes (Ibid, p. 198.) would seem to be quite likely, viz.:—that these vestments and the remaining cope were eventually made up into altar hangings after purchase from the Commissioners, of which the frontal is all that now survives.

Copyright Notice

All the above information about the frontal including the photographs was obtained from the Dorset County Museum website and is copyrighted to Dorset County Museum. It was downloaded from their website on 30th Aug 2015.

Web References

Dorchester Museum website: https://dorsetcountymuseum.wordpress.com/

Altar Frontal Article: https://dorsetcountymuseum.wordpress.com/2014/10/10/the-altar-frontal-from-wool-church/



(See http://www.oxforddictionaries.com except where stated)

Altar front(al): A hanging or panel, often decorative, covering the front face of the altar.

Chasuble: An ornate sleeveless outer vestment worn by a Catholic or High Anglican priest when celebrating Mass.

Cope: A long, loose cloak worn by a priest or bishop on ceremonial occasions.

Diaper: A pattern formed by small, repeated geometrical motifs set adjacent to one another, used to decorate stone surfaces in architecture and as a background to illuminations in manuscripts, wall painting or panel painting. http://www.pitt.edu/~medart/menuglossary/diaper.htm

Foundress: A woman who establishes something, as an institution or religious order; founder. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/foundress

Gypcière: Gypcières were small pouches which were often fitted with metal frames, sometimes very ornamental, hung from a belt or girdle, and were used as the purse of the Middle Ages. http://www.jewels-gems-clocks-watches.com/gemdict_en/index.php?le=G&la=E&entry=112888

Liripipe: A long tail hanging from the back of a hood, especially in medieval or academic dress.

Mediaeval: Another word for the Middle Ages. The period of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West (5th century) to the fall of Constantinople (1453), or, more narrowly, from around AD 1000 to 1453.

Orphrey: An ornamental stripe or border, especially one on an ecclesiastical vestment such as a chasuble. (Chasuble: An ornate sleeveless outer vestment worn by a Catholic or High Anglican priest when celebrating Mass.)

Vestment: A chasuble or other robe worn by the clergy or choristers during services










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Copyright © 2004 Holy Rood Church, Wool
Last modified: Thursday, 13 June 2024